Ah, the start of January. A new year. A clean slate, full of promise and possibility. What’s on your list of goals for the year ahead? A better work-life balance? Start working on the business idea that you’ve had in your head for years? Maybe it’s a promotion or a pay rise?
We often set out in January with big new goals, but don’t change the habits that will support our success. It’s hard to launch a new business idea from a cluttered kitchen table. Or talk to a new client when the washing machine is on the spin cycle. Or when we aren’t surrounded by people with similar big goals who can support us and hold us accountable.
Here are our Top 3 Tips on how to make sure you stick to your New Year’s resolutions and make 2022 a year of success!
TIP 1 : Take time to figure out when and how you do your best work.
Have you ever taken a step back and thought about how YOU like to work and when you’re in your ‘flow’? Are you a morning or afternoon person? Do you prefer emails in the morning and phone calls in the afternoon? Maybe a day for concentrated work with no distractions is what you need? Set your work schedule to match your natural patterns. Remember, you’re in control, not your phone or your emails! Block times in your diary. Put your phone on ‘Do not disturb’. You’ll be amazed how much easier things will get.
A change of scene often helps us make changes. CoWorking spaces are designed for flexibility. Use one strategically to support your work. You don’t need to be there full time – coworkers come and go as it suits them. They make the best of a focussed work environment, away from other distractions, surrounded by a ‘can do’ energy.
Tip 2 : Find your “Tribe”
At The BASE we say ‘It takes a village to raise a start-up’. And that’s true for freelancers, remote workers and small business owners. Collaboration, and the need to belong to a community is more evident than ever before. There are great ways to find your tribe especially now that many groups are online. Here in Donegal the Donegal Women in Business Network, or the Donegal Business Network, hold online events throughout the year. Think about your local Chamber of Commerce, or maybe there are online groups for your industry, like Cyber North West.
CoWorking spaces act as hubs to meet like minded people – they help to inspire an exchange of ideas and support innovation, which you just can’t get working on your own. Whether you’re at The BASE or the CoLab, you’re always just a desk away from “Your Village” – the people who will keep you energized, engaged, and inspired to do your best work. And that’s true whether you are there one day a week or five.
TIP 3: Give yourself a break and don’t forget to celebrate!
Don’t burn yourself out at the start of the year. Success is all about small steps – changing habits little by little. Trying to do too much, too soon, will not build sustainable change. Our top read/listen for building success is Atomic Habits by James Clear which talks about breaking big goals into little steps. Taking time out in your day to listen to a podcast, have a cup of coffee and shoot the breeze with others, or walk the dog, is essential for our mental health, productivity and creativity. And celebrate the small wins – they are all important steps on your journey to the big goal.
In our CoWorking spaces we often take coffee and lunch breaks together, although we don’t force this. It gives a structure to our days, and we get to meet new people and learn about what they are up to. Most important of all, these are times when we encourage each other and share our successes, so you have someone else to celebrate with.
What is a CoWorking space?
A CoWorking space is exactly what it sounds like – a desk set within the open plan area, surrounded by like-minded people. You can pop into meeting rooms or phone booths for private phone calls and the canteen and the lounge are easily accessible for lunch and tea and coffee breaks.
Ideal for: Entrepreneurs, Freelancers and Remote Workers.
Book for: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. We have memberships that suit your working needs
Own-door Office Units are private offices that are available to those looking for their own space. A private office can range from a single person office, to spaces that can fit a growing team. Private office space is great for confidentiality and security, plus you still get access to the communal facilities so you never feel isolated.
Ideal for: Startups in the early or growth stages and Small Businesses.
Book For: Monthly or Annually. (At The BASE there is also a weekly option)
Get in touch for your free trial day
The BASE: Jillian or Leah : jillian@thebaseenterprise.ie / leah@thebaseenterprise.ie / 087 607 5555 / www.thebaseenterprise.ie
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